by NeMeSiS850

WWE 2K League
Season 6
April 2023 - July 2023

Section 1
Understanding the Strucure

So you’re interested in joining the RSTR WWE 2K League on the Playstation Network? I’m sure you’ve got a ton of questions. This thread is intended to guide potential new members through the process of joining our league and to help you understand how things work around here.

Status Upon Entry

Upon joining the league, your membership status will be Probation. If you're a returning member, you may be asked to go under probation again due to the changes in rules and structure. It depends on how much time has elapsed.

While under probation you will be performing in our Training Camp program. 

You will be tested on the following.

  • General Match Rules

  • Miscellaneous Match Rules

  • Ability to schedule your matches

  • Overall Communication

  • Promo abilities

  • Sportsmanship

The amount of time your spend on probation will vary on your ability to adapt. You may get released from the league at any point if we feel you're not getting it and are not likely to succeed in making it out of the probation phase.

Superstar Selection & Weekly Schedule

Choosing your superstars
You must choose a male and female superstar from the WWE Division. You're only allowed to choose  superstars from the WWE division when you're a Probation member.

Superstar Selection will be based off 2K23’s original superstars and RSTR certified created superstars 

Once you're a Member, you will have a choice of either just staying in just the WWE division or joining more sub-divisions 

Simply select your superstar by communicating with me (NeMeSiS850) directly.

Match Cards, Scheduling & Reporting

Match Cards

  • All Match Cards are 1 week long!

  • Match cards go up anywhere between Saturday nights to Sunday Afternoon.

  • On these match cards you will see the following (Your required promo, your match & The General manager you should reach out to if you have questions)

  • MATCHES & PROMOS ARE DUE BY  Saturday 7pm (US Eastern Time). If an extension is needed, it may be granted but it is entirely up to the corresponding GM

  • Championship Matches, #1 Contenders matches and any high stakes matches will be due by either THURSDAY or Friday 11:59pm (Specified on match card)

  • Once the match cards are posted by the GMs. I will notify the entire league once the divisions are posted

  • There is crucial information in these cards so you MUST Check them in order to find out which match type you're in, superstars involved and your opponent’s PSN ID

Here is an example chart of what a league "week" looks like

Match Card Posted----------Match Deadlines
7pm (US East)

Scheduling Matches

  • You and your opponents are responsible for scheduling your matches. If you don’t reply to messages or are impossible to schedule with, there may be action taken by the GM that can either lead you to lose the match, be replaced or even released from a division if this behavior continues. 

  • Communication is the key to successfully scheduling your matches ahead of time. Set a time and date earlier in the week. Everyone is accountable for meeting up at the designated time and date. If anyone is over 7 minutes late, they can be disqualified from the match.

  • Be respectful of others time and always get a GM involved if there is an issue. Don’t wait until Friday night to indicate any issues and certainly don’t wait until the weekend to finally reply to your opponents.

  • More on scheduling consequences in the rules section of this thread


Moderators will be assigned to matches with 3 or more players. They will be assigned to those specific matches and will be expected to help us with the following.

  • They will organize the group chat on PSN or discord with the other players in there. They must do so within the first 24 hours of the match card being posted.

  • They will report any issues that pertains to that match to the general manager of that show.

  • They can decide who will host the match & who will stream (although multiple streams is preferred)

  • You will be the person of contact for the GM which means they trust you enough with this responsibility. Moderators will be different every week, Ideally we want experienced players to be the moderators but don't be surprised if someone new is assigned the role

Note: If a moderator doesn't organize the chat within 24 hours of the match being posted, someone else in the match can do it and report that to the general manager.

Reporting Match Results

  • This is a very simple process, you can send the match results with a screenshot to the General Manager of the division. The winner of the match is responsible for sending it. 

  • Here’s an example of acceptable screenshots. 

  • If you don’t know how to take a screenshot, the default settings on the ps4 and ps5 is you press the share button on the controller to take the screenshot. Then press Triangle button to take save the screenshot.

  • Then simply message the appropriate General Manager the screenshot on the Playstation or discord. If there were any issues with your opponent, here’s a good opportunity to make them aware.

  • General Managers of each show are listed on the match cards at the very top of the post. It is their PSN name. They will be your contact for any issues pertaining the match you're having issues with or simply reporting for

Section 2
Rules & Regulations

You must familiarize yourself with the rules of the league and the consequences of not following rules. I don’t expect you to learn all these rules in 1 shot. My expectation is that you familiarize yourself with the different rules and refer to the match rules chart prior to your matches to avoid issues and possibly a disqualification

Respect & Cheating

• Hate speech of any sort will not be tolerated (Racism, Sexism, Homophobia..etc)

• Unsportsmanlike behavior can negate your invite to return to the league.

• Editing superstars is strictly prohibited. Stats and moves are not to be tampered with. Paybacks can be changed at the character selection screen.

• Purposely exploiting a glitch or in game mechanic to gain an advantage can lead to being kicked or severely penalized in the league.

Lobby & Match Set Up


• Proper Match Type & Stipulations

• Proper Arena (Found on Match Card)

• Custom/Edited Stars: OFF

• Victory Celebrations: ON

• Pin System: Pending

• At least 1 person needs to stream the match and post in the league match streams channel on discord.
      - YouTube is preferred but Twitch is an alternative
      - YouTube automatically saves the streams to the players channels which makes reviewing matches easier for moderators.

Match Rules

General Rules

• In the event of a disconnect, the GM holds the right to order a restart, reschedule, no contest or declare a winner

Quick get ups and possum (blue meter) has a limit of 4 per match

• Stalling to drain your stagger meter damage is not allowed. Here are some examples

     - Stalling between moves
     - Rolling out of the Ring more than 2 times while stagger meter is starting to fill
     - Excessively using raise taunts to stall for time.
      - Throwing your opponent out of the ring while your stagger meter is starting to fill

• Only 2 Ground Grapple on an opponent per down. (O+ Square or X). You can follow up a ground grapple with any of the following.

      - Raise opponent up
      - Drag & reposition
      - Springboard Move
      - Diving Moves
      - Signature / Finisher

Carry Finishers & Signatures

Using a carry move from a standing position to hit your Finisher or signature is not allowed to either end a match or damage your opponents.  

The only time it is allowed to use a carry finisher or signature is in the event that you reverse a move from your opponent and your opponent is placed in carry position.

Catch Finishers

Catch finishers are not allowed from an Irish whip counter. However, if it is a counter to a top rope or springboard move, then it will be allowed.

Pinning Rules

• You may go for a pin at any point in the match as long as it’s with or after the following.

    - After a Signature or Finisher.

You are allowed to throw your opponent in the ring and pin if you hit a finisher outside.NEW

Submission Rules

• Your Opponent must have 3 Red limbs before attempting to submit them with your finisher.

• You CANNOT submit with a signature or regular move

• IF your superstar has a submission finisher and regular finisher, you can only attempt it 2 times in a match. Here’s what counts as an attempt

      - Locking it in and opponent gets out by the mini game or resiliency
      - Locking it in and a rope break occurs
      - Locking it in and another player breaks it up

Tag Team (Normal)

• You must stay in your corner unless it’s to break up a pin.

• Only 6 illegal attacks per team. The following count as illegal attacks

     - Apron strikes & grapples as the illegal man
     - Attacking the illegal player as the legal man

• In order to break up pin, the referees knees must hit the floor before players can jump in to break up the pin

• In ELIMINATION TAG, you can only break up pins/subs 3 times per match. (Does not include Tornado Elimination Matches)

  • The complete list of rules can be found HERE

Section 3
Tools for Success

Communication Applications

  • You will need to download Discord on your smartphone and the Playstation Messages app. 

  • This where you will be able to receive news and also chat with other league members. You will also be able to send your livestream link to that channel.

  • You will be able to use the promos channel on discord to promote your superstar and build storylines

  • You also definitely don’t dispute anything on there. If you feel like you can’t handle being in such a group chat, we will leave you out of it. You will then have to solely rely on checkin the website for news on the weekly basis.

  • Notifications can be muted on discord, you and pick and choose which channels to mute, however, I would advise against muting the announcements channel. You may miss out on crucial information pertaining to the league.

Live-streaming & Uploading Matches

Reasons to Stream

  • It is the easiest way for a GM to validate fair gameplay. If you make a claim that someone wasn’t following rules and they deny it, it will be hearsay at that point. At best, we can order a redo for the match. However, with evidence it can get the offender disqualified immediately and appropriate action is taken by the management team.

  • It simply provides entertainment and a sense of being in front of a live audience as opposed to an empty arena. Many members stream on their YouTube accounts and earn many new subscribers from doing so. Use this platform to elevate your YouTube account and help the league out at the same time.

  • Great matches get nominated to go on the site in our epic matches page. This will give you great recognition and a sense of accomplishment.

  • Here's a guide on how to effectively livestream *Click Here*

Final Step: Draft your superstar!

Now you can finally select your superstar! Remember, You're only allowed to draft a male and female superstars in the WWE Division when you're a new member and on PROBATION. Once you've become a member you can draft from the other divisions!